Think of me as an
explorer of a different spectrum when it comes to subscribing or streaming
movies and video series. Most of the time I stretch out in my bed, turn on a
random television series, and probably pass out from exhaustion or general
disinterest. I guess you can say I binge subconsciously for the background
noise. If I actually feel like seriously watching something, my innate instinct
is to check the "Comedy" category of Netflix for something good. My
next option would be "Drama" simply because of the context that comes
with the word. When I think of dramas I think of nail biting, breath holding,
mind numbing stories with several probably predictable themes; I mean, let's be
honest, if there is no tension or cliff hanger then the plot just sort of melts
away. Then there's "Horror", but after that I just search the home
screen option for what they think is best.
Even though I am a part of the Netflix and Chill demographic, I mostly keep it PG-13, and I'm not talking about the ratings [insert unsettling laugh here]. But outside of my love life, I recently found myself scheduling
binges with my friends. Since they all have different personalities and
interests, my friends often introduce me to some awesome productions that I
would have normally just looked over. Even though I do enjoy my alone time,
binge watching becomes 10 times better when you have a friend to make side
comments with. Sometimes, when my friends and I binge a TV series, we like to
predict the next episodes while we analyze the connections between what we just
saw. A couple of sodas, some Ramen noodles, and maybe even a bag or two of
popcorn later, and we realized we just had some of the best moments of our
lives bonding through hours of lost time.
Almost a year ago,
my best friend and I would rush back to our dorm room for an AHS session otherwise known as American Horror Story. At the time AHS was still fairly popular. On Netflix they
only had seasons 1-5, and naturally we started at 4 because we were never the
most traditional human beings. The real reason was because my best friend had
heard about "Freak Show" before, and since each season is a
completely different story, it really didn't matter which order they were
watched. I feel like if we had watched them in the order they were made, I
would have appreciated season 4 more than I did. Consequently, my favorite had
to be season 3: "Coven". I often binge watch with my friend Britney.
She likes to watch more lively and animated shows like anime, actions, and
comedies unlike my best friend who would prefer something more serious feeling
like dramas and Sci-Fi/fantasy. Not too long ago I began venturing back into
anime, and I plan to watch Seven Deadly Sins
with Britney because she surprisingly had never watched it before. We also
started watching Atlanta from Hulu, we
have binged several Poppy videos on
YouTube, and we found her after binge watching a series of theoretical shorts
called Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.

Although I don't
know anyone else's personal habits, I feel like the things we watch reflect
something within ourselves. Maybe we subconsciously use it to play out
situations that we could possibly go through or have already been. This could
be why we binge watch and create bonds or connections with the characters. We
could also be using the shows or videos to escape from reality and live through
them. I know that when I watch my favorite shows, no matter how many times I
watch it, I can still evoke the same narcissistic emotions as the first time compared to
basically feeling nothing when I binge watching something that barely relates
to me.